Education: Bachelor of Science (Hons Immunology); Master of Public Health.
What was your first job: Working at my dog’s vet surgery (which involved a bit of admin, washing dogs and some customer support).
What was your best job: CEO of a small Not-For-Profit.
What was your worst job: I'm going to have to keep that one a secret!
In addition to being paid, how else has your career created value in your life?
It's created lifelong friendships, learn new and interesting things... and most importantly, it's allowed me to support other people to reach their potential.
Who was the biggest influence in your career?
Probably my Mother. She is a very successful businesswoman and has always been a strong female role model for me.
What would your ideal job be?
Something that’s a bit different every day, where I can connect with skilled people in different sectors or industries, and influence outcomes.
What is your happiest memory?
It’s hard to pick just one! I think any of the times I’ve laughed so hard that I cried. Luckily, there has been plenty of those moments!
Who are you a big fan of?
Team members that I’ve worked with in the past – I've been lucky enough to work with some really inspiring people with generous spirits.
Name one of your biggest pet peeves?
Acronyms. I hate when people talk or write in acronyms and just assume that other people will know what they mean.
If you could have one super-human power what would it be? Time travel
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Cryptic crosswords, knitting, and I like to blend my own essential oils to make natural cleaning and beauty products
What’s your guilty pleasure?
I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. Either do something (and don’t make yourself feel bad about it) or don’t.
Do you have any other skills or talents others don’t really know about?
I’m really good at managing a group order at a restaurant! Which can actually be a very handy skill.
What is a typical day like for you?
Dog walks (my own and for paying clients), do some errands, work on my house renovation, watch a TV show/do a puzzle/play PlayStation, spend time with my boyfriend or a friend.
Aged 10 - What did you want to be when you grew up? Astronomer
If we went for a Friday arvo drink, what would you order? Gin and tonic
Name a few of your daily habits?
Sit on the floor with my dog for a cuddle, make a smoothie, a few word puzzles to unwind before bed
What publications do you regularly read? I read the news online but that’s about it
What would be your biggest piece of advice to your 20 year old self? Care less!
Saire joined the Weploy Marketing Team in mid February in our bustling Sydney office. She's looking after digital activations and offering general support to the sometimes hectic startup culture! We sat down for a chat to discuss her experience thus far.
A qualified nutritionist and passionate people person, Saly has experience living and working across the globe, and speaks at least three different languages. Since moving to South Australia in 2019, she has worked in Customer Care teams using her communication skills to help provide support and guidance for customers in need, and delivering exceptional Customer Experiences for our clients, including Allianz.
In just a few short months on the platform Sarah McNamara has already clocked up over 1000+ hours as a Weployee and earned a perfect 5* rating from her Weployers. Delivering magical customer experience is what gets her up in the morning which is why she's our Weployee of the Week!
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