Words With The Weployees

Meet our Weployee of the Week -Saly Gad

3 Min Read
Sara   |   November 24, 2020
Saly Gad

A qualified nutritionist and passionate people person, Saly has experience living and working across the globe, and speaks at least three different languages. Since moving to South Australia in 2019, she has worked in Customer Care teams using her communication skills to help provide support and guidance for customers in need, and delivering exceptional Customer Experiences for our clients, including Allianz. 

What was your first job: 

My first job was as an English teacher to 7-year-old children. I really enjoyed spending time with them and creating successful learning environments that enabled me to capture short attention spans to promote enjoyable learning.


What was your best job: 

 My best job was one where I dealt with customers in the health promotion sector. I had customers who requested me by name, which made me feel effective and appreciated. That coupled with supportive management and peers made it fun.


In addition to being paid, how else has your career created value in your life?

I am a people person and enjoy talking to people from different walks of life. Working in the Customer Service sector means I get to talk to people and provide help and support. Every happy customer is a different experience/challenge so I’m constantly learning too.


Who was the biggest influence in your career: 

That’s a difficult question. I'm not sure I have a single person, but if I had to choose, I would say It is my late best friend. She inspired me to achieve my goals and keep creating new ones.


What would your ideal job be? 

It would be a job where I help make a difference, feel valued and trusted and enjoy time with my co-workers.


If you could have one super-human power what would it be? 

 Instantly make people feel better. There is so many things going on in the world right now that it would be amazing to bring instant joy. Basically, I’d like to be the human equivalent of a puppy!


What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love hiking and going to the gym. Reading and Karaoke are also personal favourites.


What is a typical day like for you?

I'm an early bird, I love the fresh morning breeze, I hit the gym before sunrise and prepare myself to tackle the day in style. After work I catch up on my reading or meet with friends, and pursue my hobbies. I will be adopting a dog soon, so that will be dog walk time.


What would be your biggest piece of advice to your 20 year old self?

I would tell her to trust her gut more and do more of what makes her happy. Laugh often.

What does Customer-Centricity mean to you? 

 It means that customers come first. Before hitting any targets and achievements or sales. A happy customer is a loyal customer and ultimately all businesses and services want loyal customers who will advocate their business.

Can you tell me about a time when you delivered an outstanding customer service experience that they weren’t expecting? 

 I had a customer with a recurring technical issue with her service. I built good rapport with her and provided a solution to her issue. She said that it was only a temporary fix and that it will eventually stop working again so I called her every 2 weeks for a couple of months to make sure that her service continued working. She was so appreciative, she wanted to send me flowers!


Can you tell me a little bit about the challenges you’ve faced trying to find employment?

Job hunting can be draining and repetitive. I think the hiring processes are too long and have too many unnecessary stages and in 2020, it has been even more difficult with social distancing and less in-person meet-ups and networking.


Did Weploy change your situation significantly? What was the process like for you.

Fast, easy and effective. Weploy has totally changed my outlook on finding work. Using technology makes it so much more streamlined and the online hiring app idea is very smart. I got interviewed on Friday, onboarded on Saturday, and started working the following Monday.

What was the biggest surprise using Weploy? 

 My biggest surprise is that HQ is in Melbourne and I’m in Adelaide. I haven't even met the Weployee team face to face and yet, working with the team, I feel really supported each day in my professional environment.


Has Weploy helped your work-life balance?

Yes. I like the stability and knowing what to expect. This in turn has helped my work life balance. I love the flexibility too – I get to accept or reject job offers and extensions to suit my schedule. Knowing I have the flexibility to move interstate if I want to and still find employment gives me greater freedom and confidence.


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