With a strong business development acumen, Sandy is also passionate about equality, environment and animal rights. She believes in using the power of business as a force for good. Sandy aims to show businesses how to create profit for shareholders, whilst harmoniously creating measurable benefits for all stakeholders including people, environment, and animals.
What was your first job: Salesperson in a local bakery
What was your best job: Project consultant at Disability Sport and Recreation
Who was the biggest influence in your career:
Servane Mouazan of Ogunte for impact women- an organization that helps women in social enterprises and their supporters, make a positive impact on people and planet.
What would your ideal job be? A Social Impact Consultant who helps businesses see the benefits of integrating social and environmental considerations into their decisions.
If you could have one super-human power what would it be? Teleportation
What’s your guilty pleasure? Spending all day in bed rereading Harry Potter!
Do you have any other skills or talents others don’t really know about? Feeding the whole party with vegan dishes without anyone realizing they are vegan
Name a few of your daily habits? Making a to-do/top priorities list, listening to Blinklist, making smoothies
What publications do you regularly read?
News (Including my local providers, BBC, CNN, Bangkokpost), Bloomberg, The economist, Inc, articles on LinkedIn, Health magazines, Broadsheet and Timeout.
Can you tell me a little bit about the challenges you’ve faced trying to find employment?
Unconscious bias. It’s 2019, but sometimes I still feel like maybe the reason I’m not getting a call is because they are not sure how to pronounce my name. Often when I spoke to a recruiter, the first question I got asked after telling them my name is whether I’m from here.
How do you feel that the current structure of hiring has disadvantaged some people and not others?
Yes, I think it has disadvantaged some people more than others. There is only so much you can say on your one or two page resume. You could be amazing at some other skills, just not so good on personal branding which could make you miss the opportunity to showcase those great skills in the next round.
Did Weploy change your situation significantly? If so can you tell me two ways it has helped further your career path?
Yes, it did. Working as a weployee gives me an opportunity to try out various roles in different industries and really get to know different company cultures. It helped me define what I like and don’t like to do in my career and what kind of organisations I like to work with.
Do you feel that opportunities through Weploy changed your perspective?
Indeed, it did change my perspective. Finding work or finding the right resource for the job doesn’t have to be so tedious anymore.
What made you try Weploy?
The idea of jobs coming to you on your phone and the convenience of not having to go through long, traditional recruitment processes like interviews after interviews for each short-term role.
What was the process like for you? Fast, Fair and Fun!
What was the biggest surprise using Weploy?
How many people that are interested in joining the Weploy community once they hear about what we do.
Has Weploy helped your work-life balance?
Definitely, whilst working on my own start up project, the flexibility of being able to accept the type of job that suits my values and timetable is a game changer.
Patrick is a grad student at the Bionics Institute studying protein therapies and nanoparticle-assisted drug delivery for hearing loss. With passions for “Snorkelling and Research” our clients have rated him with a unanimous 5 out of 5 stars and he has been called him "Outstanding" "Reliable" and "Amazing". We sat down with the budding neuroscientist to learn a little more about his background and experiences.
What was your first job?
Business support staff with no hidden fees. Start hiring anytime.