Weployee Blog

Meet our Weployee of the Week, Kimberley Hale!

Written by Sara | Jan 8, 2019 1:06:20 AM

What was your first job: Sales Assistant for the toy section in Target.

What was your best job: Equip Super! (Thanks to Weploy!)

In addition to being paid, how else has your career created value in your life?: Weploy has provided me with the opportunity to showcase my skills to a wide range of employers and the chance to develop myself personally and professionally, also the chance to learn new skills, make new friends and connections and to contribute to the bigger picture.

Who was the biggest influence in your career: My mum. She has always been a very dedicated worker. She shows diligence, patience and commitment to her role and I aspire to be just as much of a hard worker as she is.

What would your ideal job be? A jack of all trades for an organisation… being able to showcase my skills in Information Technology, Law and Communication and being responsible for deploying innovative and creative ideas throughout an organisation.

What is your happiest memory? Discovering that Weploy had placed me in a full time role in Melbourne! I have always wanted to work in the city and discovering that I had landed this opportunity changed my life!

Who is your biggest fan? My dad. He is always so proud to hear of my accomplishments and always tries to make me smile with his jokes.

Who are you a big fan of? Ariana Grande...despite the horrible things she has become entangled with, she comes out of it with such a positive attitude and continues to be an amazing performer.

If you could have one super-human power what would it be? Psychic powers. Who wouldn’t want to be able to switch the channel without lifting a finger, or pour a coffee without getting up!

What do you like to do in your spare time? I like to play games, code websites and graphic design. I someday wish to create my own fashion/accessory label and have a few ideas in the pipeline..

What’s your guilty pleasure? Going to a Mexican restaurant in town and ordering the heavily loaded nachos… I’m guilty because I do this more than once a week!

Do you have any other skills or talents others don’t really know about? I am a computer whiz! People often wonder why I am so good with computers and I have my grandfather to thank for giving me an Apple Macintosh at age four.. so I have had 24 years experience with computers!

What is a typical day like for you? I wake up around five o’clock and get ready, choose an outfit and travel to Melbourne for work. I always try to go somewhere new for lunch and explore the city as it was my dream to work in the big city! Then when it’s all done, I travel back home, watch some Stan, go to sleep and repeat!

Aged 10 - What did you want to be when you grew up? I always had a mind for business but didn’t quite realise my potential - I used to sell my stickers to kids in the schoolyard.. so I always was a bit of an entrepreneur!

If we went for a Friday arvo drink, what would you order: Drinks for everyone and enough wedges and other nibbles to sink a battleship!

Name a few of your daily habits? Practicing self care, wearing a smile and aiming to make others laugh and enjoy their day, no matter what.

What publications do you regularly read? The Age and various news websites. I also like to keep up to date with superannuation news so that I am current in my role and able to provide my team with interesting and important statistics.

What would be your biggest piece of advice to your 20 year old self? Be patient and work hard. Life will create opportunities and open doors; you create your own success so don’t give in!