Weployer Blog

Meet our Weployee of the Week, Ashwin Almeida

Written by Sara | Jan 22, 2019 6:14:40 AM

Ashwin Almeida is a Business Management graduate from India. Having dreamed of living in an Australian city since he was a young boy, he moved from India to Melbourne in 2017 where he has utilised his account management experience to provide invaluable support for various companies via the Weploy app whilst studying for his Masters in Marketing Management. Passionate about learning and helping others, when he isn’t working he does voluntary work for Community initiatives and online courses like Hubspot Academy and Google Online Marketing. 

What was your best job: My Weploy assignment at Hotdoc has probably been the best. The staff are always warm and ready to help with any questions whilst also giving me sufficient space to perform the tasks at hand with autonomy and at my own pace.

In addition to being paid, how else has your career created value in your life?: Through Weploy, I’ve been able to meet and network with Weployers from different walks of life, understanding and adapting to different perspectives which I have been able to incorporate into my own working style. It has enabled me to gain some experience of the Australian job market, and finally I’ve learnt that no matter how big or small a task is, doing it well and to the highest standard is very important.

Who was your biggest influence in your career?: The Author Daniel Flynn has influenced the way i think about business and has helped me understand how it’s possible for a company to grow from an idea and limited resources

What would your ideal job be? I read somewhere that 85% of the jobs of 2030 haven’t been created yet and I believe that my ideal job hasn’t been created yet. That said, I know it would be one that offers me flexibility and allows me to work to live

What is your happiest memory? Difficult question to answer! If I had to pick one, I will say arriving in Melbourne in Feb 2017. But to be honest, every second day I feel happy and grateful to be living and studying in a beautiful city like Melbourne and living out a dream I’ve had since Grade 5!

Who are you a fan of? No single person in particular, but I am inspired by the experiences of others who have shared their stories with me or the world. I like listening to the stories of business founders and sports personalities have overcome adversities, fought back and achieved success.

What is your biggest pet peeve? Being in a conversation with an individual who thinks they know more than everyone in the room!

If you could have one super-human power, what would it be? The ability to time travel so that i could have a sneak peek into my future!

What do you like to do in your spare time? Depending on my mood at the time I enjoy going for jogs, listening to podcasts, reading business autobiographies… or when I’m feeling less energetic, watching Netflix!

What’s your guilty pleasure? A family pack of salted chips!

Do you have any other skills or talents others don’t really know about? I am very good at mental arithmetic, which is not very common in my field of marketing

What is a typical day like for you? Each day brings new challenges, but a shot of espresso is a non-negotiable!

Aged 10 - what did you want to be when you grew up? I didn’t really have an exact profession in mind, but always knew i wanted to be able to provide for my family and work to live a comfortable life, just like my mum and dad did.

If we went for a Friday arvo drink, what would your order be? One stout please (Guinness if it’s available!)

What publications do you regularly read? Most of my reading is online in the form of autobiographies or eBooks, trend-watching newsletters or interesting LinkedIn articles. I also like to consume media via Audio so i listen to a lot of podcasts… my favourites being How I Built This by Guy Raz, Business Wars, BBCs The Inquiry, and Ted Radio Hour.

What would be your biggest piece of advice to your 20-year old self? Be patient and worry less because everything has a way of working out. I would also share a formula for happiness that I came across a couple of months back from Joe Gebbia who is the co-founder of Air BnB:

SW^2 + WC = MO which translates to: Some Will Like It, Some Won’t + Who Cares = Move On